Instruction manual – Oldilex

Suppository components “Оldilex” carries: regenerative, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, immune stimulation and circulation effects.
Active ingredients: Peptide complexe BP-3 (albumen),extract aloe vera, polyethylene oxide-1500, purified h20.
Suppository “Oldilex” is used for prophylaxis and activation of remission linked with pelvic inflammatory processes.
For Proctology: Hemorrhoids, chronic constipation, proctitis, rectal erosion, inflammation of the sphincter, anal fissures.
For Urology: Functional diseases of the urogenital system including prostatitis, prostate adenoma, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, cystitis, nephropathies, nocturnal enuresis, urolithiasis, pain.
For sexual pathology: Sexual dysfunctions in both males and females, impotence.
For Gynecology: Diseases of the female urogenital system, irregular menses, dysmenorrhoea, vaginismus, climacteric disturbances, hormonal dysfunction, myoma, endometritis, cervical erosion, and vaginal fissures.
“Oldilex” unique ingredients allow for its effective reduction of inflammatory processes, subsequently decreases remission’s time and minimizes the risks of complications.
Customer information:
The Peptide complexes BP-3 has regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties. The unique ingredients, included in “Oldilex” are all designed for the purpose of supporting immunity: Regulating peptides, vitamins, amino acids, and microelements.
Extract aloe vera – Is a natural antibacterial, antivirus, and antifungal. Aloe vera juice contains allantoin, a natural antioxidant in the form of vitamin B complexes, Vitamins C and E, and also Beta Carotene.
Do not take ”Oldilex” if: You have individual intolerance to components.

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